Need some inspiration?

Check out what some of our Bonorong residents are doing for their Wild Rides!

Name: PK Squeak

Species: Pademelon

Age: 2 years

I was rescued when I was just a joey. When I was found I had an old tail fracture that had healed incorrectly, leaving me with a wonky tail. I’m going to jump on my scooter, dress up in a silly costume and ride over the Derwent Bridge to raise money for Bonorong!

Name: Fred

Species: Sulphur Crested cockatoo

Age: 109 years

I’ve been living at Bonorong since my owner passed away. Although I’m a pretty old guy, I’m still full of energy and I love to chat. Since the old joints in my legs are getting a bit creaky, I’m doing my Wild Ride in the kayak! I’ll be kayaking the length of the Derwent River across the month of March.

Name: Dazzler

Species: Eastern quoll

Age: 3 years

I was orphaned when I was just a joey and have been at Bonorong ever since. I am an ambassador for my species and a proud father in the Eastern Quoll Breeding Program! To help my species to grow and stay safe I’m challenging myself to ride a unicycle throughout March. I’ll be wearing safety gear including a helmet to protect myself, especially because I’ve never done it before!

Name: Peter

Species: Tasmanian Devil

Age: 4 years

I had a very serious head injury after I was hit by a car when I was young, and I’ve been living at Bonorong ever since. I’m curious, energetic and I love to eat. For my Wild Ride, I’m going to ride my bike from Hobart City to the summit of kunanyi / Mt Wellington! I’ll be sure to wear my helmet to protect my head.

Name: Winnie

Species: Wombat

Age: 3 years

When my mum was hit by a car, I was placed in the care of Bonorong where I was raised for release. I’m back happily living in the wild now! I’ve gathered a group of friends and we’re forming a Wild Ride team! Together, we will roller skate along the Bike Track to raise funds that will help save other orphaned critters in the future.

Name: Luigi

Species: Echidna

Age: 9 years

I’m a friendly guy who loves a snack! I lost my leg in a dog attack several years ago, but I haven’t let that slow me down! For my Wild Ride, I’ll be riding my skateboard to work every day instead of driving my car to raise funds for Bonorong while also helping the environment and saving on petrol costs!

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Wild Ride is a fundraising initiative of Friends of Bonorong Ltd in support of Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. Friends of Bonorong Ltd is an ACNC-registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. 

Wild Ride is a fundraising initiative of Friends of Bonorong Ltd in support of Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. Friends of Bonorong Ltd is an ACNC-registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. 

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© 2025 Friends of Bonorong Ltd. All Rights Reserved
ABN 39 650 766 555