Conditions of Entry

By registering for and participating in Wild Ride, I agree that:

  1. Wild Ride (Campaign) is a fundraising initiative developed by Friends of Bonorong Ltd to raise money for Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary (collectively referred to as Bonorong) and I am voluntarily signing up to participate in my own location and by a method and means of my own choosing;
  2. Participation in the Campaign may involve:
    1. Physical activity; and/or
    2. Risk of injury.
  3. I agree to assume any risks that are inherent in the activity I am undertaking;
  4. I am responsible for my own safety while participating in the Campaign, including ensuring that my Wild Rides is safe and free from hazards;
  5. I am physically fit, in good health, and adequately prepared to participate in this campaign by the means and method of my own choosing;
  6. Bonorong has no say or approval or review of my Wild Ride and I am wholly responsible for how I undertake this activity and am undertaking this activity at my own risk;
  7. Bonorong, its Directors, members or agents are absolved from all liability howsoever arising from injury or damage howsoever caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising out of participating in the Campaign, or in any way whatsoever due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default or omission on the part of Bonorong, its Directors, members, servants or agents.
  8. If I am under the age of 18, I confirm that I have the permission of my parent or guardian to participate in Wild Ride, and I will remain under the supervision of that parent or guardian while undertaking my chosen Wild Ride activity.
  9. In registering for Wild Ride, I consent to being photographed/filmed for future Bonorong promotions. Images and/or footage may be used in printed material, online (including social media), in presentations to schools, and shared with partner organisations. If I am under 18, I confirm that I have my parent or guardian’s permission for my images to be used in this way;
  10. All money raised via your Wild Ride will be used by Bonorong to support Tasmanian wildlife, regardless of whether you or Bonorong reaches any respective fundraising goals.
  11. Only donations made online via are accepted as part of the Campaign. Any cash, cheque or other in-person donations should not be accepted for your Wild Ride.
  12. Only riders who have registered online at are officially participating in Wild Ride.

Terms and Conditions
These Terms must be read together with any Terms and Conditions specific to a particular campaign (Campaign Terms) which are located on the fundraising page for that event. If there is any conflict between these Terms and any Campaign Terms, then these Terms will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Any updates to these Conditions of Entry will be published here (

Last Updated: 6th November 2023 (v3.0)

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Wild Ride is a fundraising initiative of Friends of Bonorong Ltd in support of Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. Friends of Bonorong Ltd is an ACNC-registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. 

Wild Ride is a fundraising initiative of Friends of Bonorong Ltd in support of Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. Friends of Bonorong Ltd is an ACNC-registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. 

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© 2025 Friends of Bonorong Ltd. All Rights Reserved
ABN 39 650 766 555